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Korean Drum Repair - Rebuild Janggo Janggu Janggoo Changgo Changgu Changgoo Drums
sold out

Replace One Drum Head, Drumhead, Drum Skin, Drumskin


Koreana Gifts can replace torn and damaged Drum Heads and can fully rebuild Janggo Drums.
Replace One Drum Head - $35.00
Replace Two Drum Heads - $50.00
Replace Rope or Hooks - $50.00
Replace Adjusters/Sliders - $35.00
These prices are Labor Only.
These prices do not include the Janggo Drum Head or any other parts, supplies, or materials.
These prices do not including shipping or delivery to our store location, and do not include return shipping or delivery.
Janggo Drum Heads come in many different sizes. There are six sizes of Janggo Drum and each size uses a different size Drum Head.
Larger Janggo Drum Heads are more expensive and cost more.
Please contact Koreana Gifts for additional prices and details.
Please contact Koreana Gifts to see what Janggo Heads we have in stock.
Please do not ship your Janggo Drum to Koreana Gifts without contacting Koreana Gifts first.

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